Categories for Battery Service

Why Is It Important to Keep the Top of a Battery Clean?

July 25, 2018 9:12 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Batteries are complex pieces of technology that perform an amazing task: energy storage. Batteries rely on chemical interactions to store and maintain electrical energy. While today’s batteries are fairly resilient, especially when compared with the batteries of old, they still require some care and maintenance in order to function exactly as intended. Working with a store that provides battery service in Houston, TX is one way that you can ensure that you get the best possible return on your investment in battery technology. As batteries are used and begin to age, there are a number of things that occur that... View Article

Why Is It Dangerous to Have a Corroded Battery?

February 7, 2018 6:43 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In our last blog post, we talked about the most common causes of battery terminal corrosion, where the hydrogen gas normally released from battery acid is released at a too-high rate due to an overcharged or undercharged battery and begins to corrode the positive or negative battery terminals under your hood, ultimately requiring battery service in Houston, TX. While a small amount of corrosion is considered normal and can be cleaned away, an excess of buildup is a symptom of a problem with your charging system—whether it’s a cell, the alternator or something else—that will only get worse with time,... View Article