June 12, 2020 11:57 pm
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Why are battery chargers not repairable anymore? Chargers are made differently than they were 10 years ago. Roughly a decade ago, California decided to prevent chargers with a transformer from being sold in the state. Several other states have since adopted the law. The reasoning behind this ruling is that a charger with a transformer requires more electricity than a charger that uses “switch mode” circuitry. What that means for the consumer is that repairable battery chargers in Houston, TX are hard to find. The circuitry is usually epoxied on a circuit board with no access possible. Warranties typically provide... View Article
May 29, 2020 11:57 pm
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You get to see places you’ve never experienced before. You can have amazing adventures and create memories for a lifetime. Road trips can be incredible journeys. Just make sure you have a solid road trip prep list in Houston, TX before your drive. Otherwise, those memories you create might not be as pleasant as you’d hoped. What should be on your road trip prep list in Houston, TX? Use the following as a guide to make sure you’re ready before you hit the road: Oil change: Complete this basic vehicle maintenance before your trip to make sure your partymobile is... View Article
May 7, 2020 4:36 pm
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Solar power has rapidly become more popular throughout the United States, especially in areas like the Southwest that get a lot of sunshine throughout the year. It’s easy to understand why its use is becoming more prevalent. In a time where environmental consciousness is rapidly growing, solar energy is a renewable energy source with minimal environmental impact, especially when compared to traditional fossil fuel sources. Costs are also lower, as there are zero raw fuel costs, an unlimited supply of energy and no issues such as storage, transportation or pollution. Of course, if you are going to maximize the power... View Article
April 23, 2020 4:36 pm
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Are you looking for a way to enhance power in your battery? One method you can take in your Houston, TX garage or facility involves connecting an inverter to the battery cables, which will help you to maximize the power you’re able to get from it. In this process, you’ll want to use an industrial crimper on the terminal. Texford Battery Co. can install them on your cable, or we can make a cable for you. Ideally, you’ll want to place the inverter as close to the batteries as is feasibly possible. The lower the voltage, the more resistance to... View Article
April 3, 2020 11:52 pm
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Uninterruptible power supplies, also referred to as UPS batteries, don’t last forever. With proper uninterruptible power supply maintenance in Houston, TX, you can help extend the life of the battery. However, it still possesses a limited lifespan. Why is this the case? Read on to discover why this type of power supply eventually stops charging, and how you can maximize its use. For more information, reach out to your local battery supplier. Cycles Each occurrence of running down and recharging is called a cycle. Every time your battery uses its power and must be recharged, it goes through one cycle.... View Article