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Why Uninterruptible Power Supplies Stop Charging

April 3, 2020 11:52 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Uninterruptible power supplies, also referred to as UPS batteries, don’t last forever. With proper uninterruptible power supply maintenance in Houston, TX, you can help extend the life of the battery. However, it still possesses a limited lifespan. Why is this the case? Read on to discover why this type of power supply eventually stops charging, and how you can maximize its use. For more information, reach out to your local battery supplier. Cycles Each occurrence of running down and recharging is called a cycle. Every time your battery uses its power and must be recharged, it goes through one cycle.... View Article

Top Tips for Home Generator Battery Maintenance

March 20, 2020 11:52 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Unless you have owned a generator before, it’s likely you don’t know a lot about generator battery maintenance in Houston, TX. Yet, this is an important part of battery ownership. To get the best performance and greatest longevity from your battery, you must give it proper attention. Use the following tips for generator battery maintenance in Houston, TX to keep your power backup in top shape. For more information and expert advice, reach out to the professionals at your local battery supplier: Change the oil: Just like other products with engines and moving parts, most generators require regular oil changes.... View Article

Prepare Your Batteries for Summer Recreation!

March 19, 2020 4:08 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Summer will soon be here, and it will be time to take your boat, jet ski, four-wheeler or classic car out of storage. If you prepared your toys for storage well, you likely used a monitoring charger to maintain battery voltage. If not, there are still things you can do to ensure jet ski battery and seasonal boat battery maintenance in Houston, TX. Here is what you can do to prepare your batteries: Purchase a charger: If you intend to store vehicles of any type, you should invest in a small battery charger. For small batteries, the charger should have... View Article

Is My Monitoring Charger Actually Working?

March 5, 2020 4:08 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Customers sometimes complain of instances where an indicator light shows a full charge but their bike still does not start. Monitoring chargers for motorcycles in Houston, TX are designed to return a battery to a charge that allows for normal operation. However, batteries are not perfectly designed, and each type has its own self-discharge rate, which may throw off the monitoring charger. Here are five factors to consider when determining whether the problem is with the battery or the charger: Discharge amount: Your battery may not hold a charge strong enough to power the starter if it is severely discharged.... View Article

Why Won’t My Monitoring Charger Keep My Motorcycle Battery Charged?

February 11, 2020 11:42 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’ve ever pulled your motorcycle out of the garage and gotten ready to enjoy the warmer weather, only to find that the battery is dead and you had no clue, you’re not alone. Many motorcycle owners are surprised to find that their monitoring charger never let them know that their battery was anywhere close to dying. For example, they might pull it out of the garage and be surprised their indicator light shows that there’s a full charge, but the bike still will not start. Time to look into motorcycle and car battery disposal in Houston, TX! Monitoring chargers... View Article