Know Before You Go! Get Free Winter Battery Testing from Your Battery Store in Houston, TX
November 29, 2018 11:08 pm Leave your thoughtsA car breakdown is never a fun experience. However, in the winter, this situation is particularly inconvenient and dangerous. Cold temperatures can be life-threatening. They can also be hard on your vehicle. What steps can you take to prevent malfunctions and stay safe on the road? Your battery store in Houston, TX offers one important solution: battery testing.
Before your winter road trip, have your battery tested. This free service will determine if your battery is fully functioning. Here’s why it’s important.
Low Water Levels
The hot summer months can leave your battery low on water. Proper water levels are essential to the healthy functioning of your battery. When water levels are low, the charge can be unsteady and can cause explosive consequences. A quick check of your battery can determine if the water levels are appropriate for winter.
Low Charge
Over time, batteries wear out. If you’ve had your current battery for a few seasons, it might not be holding a full charge like it used to. To keep your battery and its related systems functioning properly, it is important to maintain a full charge. Your battery store in Houston, TX can quickly test the battery to determine if it still has a healthy charge.
Low Reliability
If your battery has low water levels, a low charge or other issues, it will not provide reliable service. You could end up stranded on the side of the road or stalled out in a parking lot somewhere when your car won’t start. Why risk it? Take your vehicle to your local battery store in Houston, TX to find out how reliable your battery will be this winter.
Low Maintenance
A lack of maintenance of your vehicle and its battery will take its toll. Take a look at your battery. Is it covered in debris or corrosion? Has it ever been tested? Compared to some things, batteries require very little maintenance. Be sure to put forth the minimal effort required to keep this part in top operation. This includes winter testing from your battery store in Houston, TX.
Low Cost
What could be better than a free service? Why not take advantage of this important maintenance item—especially when it costs you nothing? Before you head out on the cold, icy roads this winter, stop in to our battery store in Houston, TX and get your battery tested for free. Your technician can advise you on the current health of your battery and whether or not you should replace it before you attempt a long winter excursion.
Free Testing
Where can you find a battery store in Houston, TX that will take care of all your battery needs? The team at Texford Battery Co. is ready to assist you. At Texford Battery Co., we pride ourselves in being much more than just another battery specialist. We credit our seven decades of business growth and success to the unmatched service and expertise our team provides. Visit us today to receive your free battery testing and keep your vehicle running smoothly this winter.
Categorised in: Battery Store
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