
Oil Never Wears Out—It Just Gets Contaminated!

April 25, 2018 4:34 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Contrary to popular belief, oil never actually “wears out.” When you change the oil in an engine, it’s not because the oil has become mechanically worse—it’s because of excess contamination that has built up inside the system. The oil itself still maintains all of its inherent properties, it just has extra carbon, dirt and other contaminants that have entered it and cannot easily be removed. The Center for Hazardous Materials Research at the University of Pittsburgh Applied Research Center has evaluated a variety of issues related to oil use over the years, including oil contamination. In a study about Harvard™... View Article

How to Assess Water Levels in a Deep Cycle Battery

April 9, 2018 5:37 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

As part of your battery maintenance efforts, you should know how to check deep cycle battery water levels. Many battery banks need to be replaced earlier than the end of their expected lifespan simply because of poor maintenance. You should engage in regular maintenance of your batteries every three months or so, and as part of that should make it a point to check deep cycle battery water levels and maintain those levels appropriately. Here are some tips from our battery store in Houston, TX for better battery maintenance: Clean the battery: Before you engage in any further battery maintenance,... View Article